Tax Planing Services
Save tax, save time, worry less. Tax Planning Services for all types of businesses.
What is tax planning? It’s designing your tax situation in a way that legitimately saves tax and minimizes risk of challenge from the tax authorities. Some common tax planning services include:
Optimizing incentives in the tax system such as the small business rate, the lifetime capital gains exemption, and various tax credits. The flip side of every incentive is a tax trap: losing out on an incentive to which you should have been entitled.
Getting income taxed at a lower rate – timing the income so it falls in a year with a lower tax rate, utilizing the lower tax brackets of family members appropriately, or recharacterizing the nature of the income.
Deferring when tax is payable.
Our Tax Planning services cover all aspects of your business.

Tax planning services and instructions for:
– incorporation
– amalgamation
– wind-up and dissolution
– tax deferred roll-over
– start-up or business expansion
– investing in a business
– newcomers to Canada
– leaving Canada
– buying a business
– selling a business
– capital gains exemption
– tax-free capital dividend
– shareholder agreements
– shareholder buyouts
– owner compensation
– small business limit
– tax incentives such as SR&ED, R&D Tax Credits, NS Equity Tax Credit
– certificate of compliance related to the disposition of taxable Canadian property
– foreign income verification statement
– foreign affiliates
– use of tax losses and allowable business investment loss (ABIL)
Leave your tax worries with us. We have you covered.
Contact Chris for a free initial consultation:
Mobile 902 401 5324
2830 Agricola Street, Unit 1
Halifax NS B3K 4E4